St Patrick’s Cathedral to get Pope John Paul’s bronze statue


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St Patrick’s Cathedral to get Pope John Paul’s bronze statue

Saturday, January 05, 2013 AT 04:06 PM (IST)

PUNE: A life size bronze statue of Blessed Pope John Paul II will be erected at St Patrick's Cathedral here on January 8 in the presence of the Vatican's ambassador to New Delhi Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio.

The Catholic Church has planned to erect statues of Pope John Paul II, the most widely travelled pontiff, at all the Catholic dioceses in the world which he had visited, Fr Malcolm Sequeira, vicar general of Pune diocese, has said. The former head of the Catholic Church had visited Pune on February 10, 1986 as a part of his six-day pastoral visit to India.

During his visit, John Paul II had addressed a huge gathering at Ramwadi and also visited the Papal Seminary on Nagar Road. His Pune visit was hosted by the then Pune Bishop Valerian D'Souza.

The six and half ft tall statue weighing nearly 200 kgs has been brought here from Thailand, Fr Sequeira said.

The statue in the city will be unveiled by Pune Bishop Thomas Dabre and will be blessed by the Pope's delegate Salvator. The statue will be mounted on the five-ft granite pedestal, which was removed from the altar of St Patrick's Cathedral during the renovation of church, Fr Sequeira said.


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