Dnyanodaya monthly enters 175th year

Dnyanodaya monthly enters 175th year
CAMIL PARKHE | Wednesday, 31 May 2017 AT 11:10 PM IST
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Pune: Dnyanodaya monthly, founded and edited by American missionaries for many decades, has earned the distinction of being the longest surviving Marathi periodical. The monthly is celebrating its 175th year here on Saturday, June 3.

Dnanodaya fortnightly was founded by the American Marathi Mission’s clergy in Ahmednagar by Rev Henry Balentine, a scholar in Greek, Latin, Sanskrit and Marathi languages, on June 20, 1842.

The fortnightly was later converted into a monthly. Presently, it is published from the city and is edited by Ashok Angre.

Balentine edited the periodical from 1842 to 1845 and again from 1858 to 1865. The other American missionaries who edited the Marathi periodical for many years included Robert Wilson Hume, Dr Samuel Fairback, Dr Allen Hazen, Charles Park, Edward Hume, Robert Hume and Justine E Abbot. Shahu Daji Kukade was the first Indian editor of the periodical from 1867 to 1872. Dnyanodaya was later edited by veteran Marathi poet Narayan Waman Tilak, Devdatta Tilak and Bhaskar Pandurang Hiwale, founder of Ahmednagar College.

The history of Marathi journalism begins with ‘Darpan’ periodical, founded by Balshastri Jambhekar in 1832. Its publication was discontinued in 1840.

Senior Editor Uttam Kamble and Shripal Sabnis, President of the 81st All India Marathi Sahitya Sammelan, will attend the post-century platinum jubilee celebrations of the monthly to be held at the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), Quarter Gate at 6 pm on June 3. 


  1. CONGRATULATIONS to Dnyanodaya team & thanks to Mr Camile Parkhe for informing us.

    आता हे बघायचे की काय संक्ल्प सोडतात.

  2. अभिनंदन. ज्ञानोदयाच्या नावाची जी वेबसाइट (www.dyanodaya.org) १७५ वर्षाच्या संस्मरणीय अंकात दिलेली आहे; ती अस्तित्वातच नाही.
    शिवाय ह्या नावाचा नोंदणीकृत न्यास आहे; असे सर्वांना सांगितले जाते;ज्याचा नोंदणी क्रमांक कुठेही दर्शविण्यात / छापण्यात येत नाही, परंतु वर्गण्या व दाने स्वीकारली जातात कशी? हे कोडे सुटत नाही.
    अमेरिकन मराठी मिशनच्या पदाधिकाऱ्यांना काहीही न विचारता किंवा त्यांना कार्यकारिणीत न घेता सांप्रतचे हे उपटसूंभ विश्वस्त कुठुन कसे काय पैदा झाले? ह्याचा खुलासा कृपया अध्यक्ष व सचिव ह्यांनी करावा. 


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